Monday, September 20, 2010

REUNION DATES ARE SET!!! Friday night June 24th and Saturday June 25th 2011

Becky Bihr Brown September 20 at 1:03pm

Hello Friends and Classmates from RockBridge and Hickman. Thank you to all those who voted in the Reunion Preference Poll I set up on the blog during August--I believe over 100 people voted!

It was a close vote, but based on the weekend that looked like the most people would have the greatest chance of being able to attend, we are going to go with Friday June 24th and Saturday June 25th 2011.

I am a bit delinquent in touching base with those that offered to volunteer (work and life - moving to new home) have gotten in my way, but never fear I will be giving this some attention in the coming weeks so you will be hearing from me...

As soon as I get the list of names and contact info template ready I will be reaching out to volunteers to help track down our classmates that have not responded via Facebook and/or have not emailed me their addresses/contact info to date.

So, if you can, please email me with your information if you have not already as it will greatly expedite the process.

Email me at:


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