Monday, November 1, 2010

Planning for June 24-25, 2011 Is Well Underway...

Well, I was in Columbia last weekend to see family and used the opportunity to investigate some potential locations.  While there are a few more venues in Columbia than back in 2001, there are not that many that can accomodate a very large event (which is a potential with the potential number of attendees, plus spouses/dates we have between the schools).  Also, June is a big wedding month, so I am narrowing down the possibilities and will make a decision soon to get things locked in.

Because most potential locations require a minimum $$$ commitment and deposits, anyone who is willing and able to pay in advance or to donate any funds to get the ball rolling would be greatly appreciated.  Please email me if you are interested in doing this!

Over the last month or so I have been busy building a master spreadsheet of contact information that we have thus far.   This month, I will be reaching out to those who have offered to volunteer to help with the reunion to start tracking down those classmates that have not responded with contact information via facebook, etc. 

Look forward to seeing you all next summer.  HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Becky Brown
RBHS Class of 1991

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